JBA at AIA Project Delivery Seminar
Jeffrey Berman presents East Orange General Hospital COVID Facility to AIA Project Delivery Seminar
Jeffrey Berman presents to fellow alumni of MITArchA worldwide
Jeffrey Berman presents JBA-designed COVID facility for East Orange Hospital and the Army Corps of Engineers to fellow alumni of MITArchA worldwide
JBA designs a COVID-19 Surge Hospital
JBA, Cosentini, Tetra Tech and the Army Corps of Engineers design and build a COVID-19 Surge Hospital in East Orange, NJ in 14 days.
Berman at NY Healthcare Construction Forum
Jeffrey Berman was a Featured Speaker at Commercial Observer’s 3rd Annual New York Healthcare Construction Forum
William A. Moses, JBA, the Eugene Gasana, Jr. Foundation
William A. Moses, Assoc. AIA, Jeffrey Berman Architect, the Eugene Gasana, Jr. Foundation